Download all the data

This site provides all of the data underlying the EPI State of Working America Data Library. If you only need a small subset of data, it might be easiest to just use the EPI Data Library.

But if you want all of the data:


Download .csv files of latest version of the data, Version 1.0.1:

Archived versions of the data are here.


If you use the data, please cite it:


Economic Policy Institute. 2025. State of Working America Data Library, Version 1.0.1.

Data file contents is a zipped collection of .csv files, where each file is a particular “indicator” or outcome on the EPI State of Working America Data Library.

The current release of the data contains the following .csv files:

File name Indicator
annual_wages_for_select_wage_groups.csv Annual wages for select wage groups
black_white_wage_gap.csv Black-white wage gap
ceo_pay_ratio.csv CEO pay ratio
civilian_population.csv Civilian population
college_wage_premium.csv College wage premium
employment_by_demographics.csv Employment by demographics
employment_by_industry_ces.csv Employment by industry (CES)
gender_wage_gap.csv Gender wage gap
hispanic_white_wage_gap.csv Hispanic-white wage gap
hourly_earnings_by_industry.csv Hourly earnings by industry
hourly_wage_average.csv Hourly wage, average
hourly_wage_median.csv Hourly wage, median
hourly_wage_percentile_ratios.csv Hourly wage percentile ratios
hourly_wage_percentiles.csv Hourly wage percentiles
inflation_rates.csv Inflation rates
labor_force_participation.csv Labor force participation
long_term_unemployment.csv Long-term unemployment
minimum_wage.csv Minimum wage
multiple_jobs.csv Multiple jobs
official_poverty_acs.csv Official poverty (ACS)
official_poverty_cps.csv Official poverty (CPS)
part_time_employment.csv Part-time employment
part_time_for_economic_reasons.csv Part-time for economic reasons
price_indexes.csv Price indexes
productivity_and_pay_indexes.csv Productivity and pay indexes
productivity_and_pay_levels.csv Productivity and pay levels
supplemental_poverty.csv Supplemental poverty
teacher_pay_gap.csv Teacher pay gap
time_at_work.csv Time at work
underemployment.csv Underemployment
unemployment.csv Unemployment
union_membership.csv Union membership
union_wage_premium.csv Union wage premium

File contents

Each .csv file contains the following columns

Column name Column description
data_version Version of the data
indicator Indicator
measure Outcome measure
date_interval Time frequency of the data: ‘year’, ‘quarter’, or ‘month’
year Year
quarter Quarter
month Month
geo_type Geography type: ‘national’, ‘state’, ‘division’, or ‘region’
geo_name Geography name
geo_code Numeric geographic identifier
group Group: e.g, ‘Gender’ or ‘Race/Ethnicity X Gender’
group_value Group value: e.g., ‘Female’ or ‘Hispanic X Female’
value Data value

Each time series in the EPI Data Library is a unique combination of the columns indicator geo_name measure year month quarter group_value

Each row of the data represents a value from a given time series.