The data displayed in the two charts above is weighted by employment shares, where the employment share of an county is that county’s share of total employment in DC coming from the eight counties, as reported by the Census OnTheMap tool for 2019.

Each county’s total employment in DC and associated share is the following:

2019 employment in DC Share
Alexandria City 20,625 3.5%
Anne Arundel County 13,576 2.3%
Arlington County 36,506 6.2%
Charles County 14,663 2.5%
District of Columbia 211,689 35.9%
Fairfax County 73,105 12.4%
Montgomery County 90,013 15.3%
Prince George’s County 129,304 21.9%

The figures show daily averages, by week, of the number of adult and pediatric patients admitted to inpatient beds on the previous day who had confirmed COVID-19 at the time of admission. These averages are expressed as rates per 100,000 residents. The date of week above refers to start of the week; for example, “February 4” is the week beginning February 4 and ending February 10, inclusive.

The hospital admission data is facility-level data from here. To calculate the rate for a given area, first calculate the average daily adult and pediatric admissions in each facility in that area: divide the facility-reported weekly sum of patients by the facility-reported weekly number of reports. Then divide the average admissions by the Census Vintage 2020 estimated resident population available here. The code that does the analysis and creates this page is at

The results are broadly similar, but not exactly the same, as CDC statistics presented in a less accessible form here. One coverage difference is the CDC counts might include Veterans Affairs and some other facilities excluded in the data.

The figures above relating to number of cases show weekly (7-day total) covid cases per 100,000 residents in the DC area.The data for weekly cases are available at the county level and are updated weekly on thursdays.

Last updated October 24, 2023 using vintage October 23, 2023 hospitalization data and June 1, 2023 case data. NOTE: Reporting of Aggregate Case and Death Count data was discontinued May 11, 2023, with the expiration of the COVID-19 public health emergency declaration.