Monthly, quarterly, or annual CPI-U price indexes
The data frames cpi_u_monthly_sa
and cpi_u_monthly_nsa
contain, respectively, seasonally adjusted or not seasonally adjusted monthly
price index levels of the CPI-U. They have three columns:
numeric year
numeric calendar month (1-12)
value of the CPI-U price index
#' @format The data frames cpi_u_quarterly_sa
and cpi_u_quarterly_nsa
contain, respectively, seasonally adjusted or not seasonally adjusted quarterly
price index levels of the CPI-U. They have three columns:
numeric year
numeric calendar quarter (1-4)
value of the CPI-U price index
The data frame cpi_u_annual
contains the annual
price index level of the CPI-U. It has two columns:
numeric year
value of the CPI-U price index
and cpi_u_rs_annual
for the CPI-U-RS, an index that is more consistent over time than the CPI-U
and incorporates more recent improvements to the CPI-U into the
entire time series. The quarterly cpi_u_quarterly_nsa
series are the quarterly means of their
respective monthly series.
#> # A tibble: 1,057 × 3
#> year month cpi_u
#> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 1937 1 14.1
#> 2 1937 2 14.1
#> 3 1937 3 14.2
#> 4 1937 4 14.3
#> 5 1937 5 14.4
#> 6 1937 6 14.4
#> 7 1937 7 14.5
#> 8 1937 8 14.5
#> 9 1937 9 14.6
#> 10 1937 10 14.6
#> # ℹ 1,047 more rows