Get price index series as a data frame
get_price_index(index_name, frequency, seasonal = NA)
Name of the price index, as specified by index name in available_price_indexes
"monthly" or "annual"
"NSA" or "SA" for monthly data; NA (default) for annual
A tibble with the requested price index
get_price_index("CPI-U-RS", "monthly", "NSA")
#> # A tibble: 553 × 3
#> year month cpi_u_rs
#> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 1977 12 100
#> 2 1978 1 100.
#> 3 1978 2 101.
#> 4 1978 3 102.
#> 5 1978 4 103.
#> 6 1978 5 104.
#> 7 1978 6 104.
#> 8 1978 7 105
#> 9 1978 8 106.
#> 10 1978 9 106.
#> # ℹ 543 more rows