Available data

Original data

This is data as reported from the sources below, with minimal re-coding. The total claims across industries will not necessarily match what the US DOL reports as the total claims for a given state.

Adjusted data

This data takes the above and removes unclassified sectors and then scales totals across industries to match the totals that states report weekly to the US DOL. The scaling preserves the classified industry distribution of claims within a state-week.

For example: if, after removing the unclassified sectors, the food services sector in a state-week equals 10% of the remaining total claims for that state-week, then the total claims for food services will be equal to 10% of the state-week claims that the state reports to the DOL.


You can cite this data like

Economic Policy Institute. 2020. “Weekly UI initial claims by state and industry.” Data collected from various sources. https://economic.github.io/ui_state_detailed/

For most states the data are from state employment offices.

Michigan’s data is from the W.E. Upjohn Institute, which collected data from that state’s employment office.

California’s data is from reports of the California Policy Lab, which analyzed UI claims data.

See the Github repo for the code.


Jori Kandra, Andrew Van Dam, Ben Zipperer, Ezra Golberstein