my_plot = Plot.plot({
width: Math.max(width, 600),
height: 600,
color: {
type: "categorical",
domain: ['Large negative', 'Medium negative', 'Small negative', 'Positive'],
range: ["#440154FF", "#3B528BFF", "#21908CFF", "#5DC863FF"]
y: {reverse:true, padding: 0},
marginLeft: 160,
marginBottom: 40,
marks: [
Plot.rectX(final_data, Plot.binY(
{x: "count"},
{y: "bin",
thresholds: [-1.6, -1.2, -0.8, -0.4, 0, 0.4, 0.8, 1.2, 1.6, 2.0],
insetTop: 2,
insetBottom: 2,
fill: "owe_magnitude"
Plot.axisX([0,10,20,30], {label:"Number of studies", fontSize: 14}),
Plot.ruleY([median], {strokeDasharray: "5, 2", dx:10}),
Plot.axisY([-1.4, 1.7], {fontSize: 0, tickSize: 0}),
Plot.textY([-1.4, -1.0, -0.6, -0.2, 0.2, 0.6, 1.0, 1.4], {
text: [
"More negative than -1.2",
"-1.2 to -0.8",
"-0.8 to -0.4",
"-0.4 to 0.0",
"0.0 to 0.4",
"0.4 to 0.8",
"0.8 to 1.2",
"More positive than 1.2"
textAnchor: "end", x: -0.9,
fontSize: 14
Plot.text([[28, median]], {text: ["Median OWE"], dy: -10, fontSize:12}),
Plot.text([[28, median]], {text: [median_formatted], dy: 10, fontSize:12}),
test = my_plot.legend("color", {
className: "legend",
tickFormat: (d) => d + ": " + d3.rollup(final_data, v => v.length, d => d.owe_magnitude).get(d) + " studies " + "(" + d3.format(".0%")([d3.rollup(final_data, v => v.length, d => d.owe_magnitude).get(d) / count_studies]) + ")"
Minimum wage own-wage elasticity repository
The Minimum Wage Own-Wage Elasticity Repository contains a representative estimate of the own-wage elasticity (OWE) of employment from every minimum wage study published since 1992. The OWE measures the employment change caused by a minimum wage increase, divided by the change in average wages due to the minimum wage.
Distribution of estimates from minimum wage research studies
Estimates and 95% confidence intervals from studies
For more information, explore a table of all the studies, view the documentation, or download the underlying data. If you use the data or this site in your own work, please reference or cite it:
Arindrajit Dube and Ben Zipperer. 2024. Minimum wage own-wage elasticity repository, Version 1.1.0.